martes, agosto 24, 2004
3:26 a. m. » Christ
Ok I can tell you right now this post is going to be badly thought out and terrible. I'm drunk as a skunk and I just got home. I had some kind of conversation with the taxi driver but all I remember is asking him what time it was. He said it was three something. Jesus. Not too late. I spent the night with some Québecois folk or whatever, one of whom I'm certain wants me but she looks like Shannon what's her name from high school and I'm taken anyway so forget about it. She said I wasn't a typical American, whater that means, but I couldn't return the COMPLIMENT because I don't really know many Canadienses. Also I was with a dude from Norway, the Swiss girl, and some other girl with whom I didn't talk. Earlier another American and a German Swiss type were with us. Barcelona. Qué va. I told the Taxista A BOGATELL, RAMON TURRÓ. He kept asking me what number. Cincuenta y nueve. How many times did I say it and how many times did he ask Trienta? OK once. He handed me some fucking book and I said muy bien no se es extraño no se. 6€ later he got me close enough to home and I said aqui aqui aqui es muy bien gracias. What a pansy. I'd wanted to ask Que tal but totally pussied out. Very efficient man anyway. I've had muchas cervezas et beaucoup de vin -- lisp and all. I have to study. Tomorrow I'm staying in. Some dude offered me drugs on the street and I ignored him, ¡then a bum started yelling at the American not to touch his shit (and in French)! What is the meaning of life? Why is the sky blue? How many licks does is take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop? O.F.F. tha hook. No se. Es muy facil. Hasta pronto.
10:34 p. m. » APG
true genius flees at the speed of a bottle of wine, coincidentally at the same rate as foreign language abilities.
true genius flees at the speed of a bottle of wine, coincidentally at the same rate as foreign language abilities.
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Ben and Aaron in Barcelon (¿Lindsay too?)!!!
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